“A wise man should consider that health,
is the greatest of human blessings.”
~ Hippocrates


What we know. What we do. How we do it.
Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2014, more then 1.9 billion adults (18 years and older,) were overweight and more then 600 milllion were diagnosed as clinically obese. The epidemic continues to spread and more obesity related deaths are documented every year.
An estimated 108 million Americans are currently on a "diet". A staggering 98% of those will regain the weight they've lost within one year. ONE year! Despite all of the information currently available, why are so many failing to reach their weight loss and health goals?
(What triggers the problem)
(What am I thinking?)
Physical Reactions
(How does my body react?)
(How am I feeling?)
(What are my actions?)
For years, studies have proven the connection between mental and physical health. Based on a combination of research and therapeutic practice, and now supported by a large volume of research and evidence, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has been widely used since the 1970's. By assisting the belief that thoughts and feelings are interconnected with physical sensations and actions, CBT guides an individual to facilitate change and achieve goals by systematically changing the thought process.
Why is this method so successful? The answer is more simple then it may seem... feel good, look good & look good, feel good - right? Often our physical appearance is a reflection of current state of mind. At BY Mind Body, the BY stands for "Balance Your", because that is exactly what we help you achieve. We approach your health from the inside, out. Your health coach will provide you with consistent motivation and support, giving you the necessary tools to ease life's everyday stresses. These management skills that can be used in every aspect of life; just an added bonus!

Through my BYMB health coach, I learned to love my body in ways that were fulfilling and sustainable. I lost thirty pounds and now I'm no longer yo-yo dieting!
- Vicky C.
San Jose, CA