Balanced Mind for a Balanced Body
There's so much more to health, than just the food we eat.
Nutrition is important, but true health is not only about the food we eat. We are nourished in so many ways beyond the food on our plate - through physical activity, meaningful relationships, spiritual practice and a fulfilling career.
The health crisis: there is no one size fits all solution.
Using objective questionnaires, we will assess your goals and current state of well being. Together, we will strategize on a plan to position you for success, using steps that are manageable and offer easy integration into your daily lifestyle. You'll have the constant support of your BY Mind Body coach - we'll keep you moving forward one week at a time, one day at a time, or even one hour at a time. Whatever pace you're comfortable with, we are here to help you reach your goals, every step of the way.
Our Philosophy

Make the choice to make a change for your life.
Set and establish your intentions.

Learn ways to implement self-care, unique to your individual needs.
Identify and overcome personal roadblocks.

Break down your personal goals into manageable steps.
Implement strategies to stay accountable and keep you on the right track.

Develop habits throughout the coaching process to continue along your healthy path.
Enjoy the changes giving way to a healthier, happier YOU.